Feeling overwhelmed??

3 reason why you’re feeling overwhelmed!!

  1. Over analyzing. All the things you have to do are in your head and you’re over analyzing the impact those things will have or how long it will take to complete them.

  2. Getting started. You have no idea which thing to tackle first so you’re just spinning your wheels or not doing anything. 

  3. People pleasing. You’ve said yes to helping everyone and their mother, but you can’t remember the last time you did something for yourself.

These are the top 3 things I cover with ALL of my clients, because they often come to me feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.

And I get it. I was there and know the feeling all too well.

But the solution is to get out of your head and start small.

Start by paying attention to where you're spending your time, money, thoughts, and then move in a positive direction. 

Love ya, 



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