My top 10 favorite ways to reduce/remove overwhelm...
As a mom and business owner, overwhelm is the biggest things I see my clients and audience struggle with and it is something that can be easily removed.
Here are my top 10 favorite ways to reduce/remove overwhelm...
Deep breaths. Honestly, just connecting back into your breathing can allow you to clear connect with the situation.
EFT. Also know as tapping, is a great way to begin to reprogram you from overwhelm to overjoyed. There is an app for this that I use "The Tapping Solution".
Meditation. Although I don't meditate for very long (max is about 11 minutes), this is an incredibly powerful exercise that can help you to put things in perspective. The app I use for guided meditations is Headspace.
Make a list. Sometimes, I just need to visually see what's clouding my thoughts and in the process I realize that a lot of what I'm overwhelmed about it little and can be resolved quite quickly.
Exercise. Find a fun way to move your body and help you create some extra endorphins to move you through the day. Working out has been a major stress relief in my life for years.
Talk it out. Sometimes, the best way to remove the overwhelm is to just get off your chest. I like to connect with someone I can trust that will not judge me for feeling the way I feel.
Ground yourself. Get into nature. When I feel myself start to spin, I will get outside in nature or go hang out with my horse and am instantly connected back to my body and can see clearly the chaos.
Gratitude list. Shift your focus from all the things that are causing you overwhelm to all the things you are grateful for. This is a perfect way to change your mood relatively quickly and get you focused on what you can control.
Give it God. This is by far my favorite. I have a God box in my bedroom and when I feel like I'm trying to will-power something to go my way- I write it down on a piece of paper and put it in the God Box. And every time the thought comes back to "figure it out" I remain myself that I already gave it to God.
Cry it out. Yes, this is also incredible for many reasons. I never recommend that my clients steam roll through their emotions and so if you are feeling crazy overwhelm then feel it and own and release it with a great crying session. I prefer to do this in the shower and just fully embracing the sobbing and tears. I always feel better afterwards.
I would love to know if you use any of these currently and if not, which one will you try this week if you start to feel overwhelmed?