Part of me did not want to work out…

Part of me did not want to work out this morning.

I woke up still bothered by the 3 people that were so rude to me on my bike ride yesterday morning and didn’t want to get hurt again today.

But I mustered the energy to at least swim.

Then I coached myself into just going for a short bike ride so I didn’t have to risk crossing the paths of those people again. But somewhere along the way, I quit worrying about whether I’d see them again because I wasn’t going to let complete strangers take away something I enjoy so much.

So did my full bike ride and encouraged myself through the spots of yesterday’s confrontations and I was okay. Totally fine! No one yelled at me or tried to run me off the road.

I proud of myself for today


Some people call me crazy…


I love how unfiltered kids are!