The Game of Life…
My husband and I did not date for very long. In fact we only knew each other for about 4 months before we tied the knot.
But one night, I decided it would be fun to play some board games and figured “The Game of Life” was probably more tame than Monoply.
As the game started, I chose all the predictable things- the college degree, the high paying job, the Tudor style home. And he chose the “riskier” things- no college degree, whatever job/salary he could and some little cottage.
I remember thinking, I’m obviously going to win. He didn’t choose strategically.
As the game progressed, it was clear I had way more money and would certainly win, so of course I was having fun. I knew even if he beat me to “retirement”, once all the money was counted, I would win.
Sure enough, he reached retirement first and then reread the instructions of the game in detail. Unbeknownst to me, in the old version of the game a player can put everything he/she has on ONE number and if the player spins that number, the player automatically wins the game.
I, feeling very sure of myself, watched as he confidently placed everything on 7 and spun.
There was no way he’d win; the odds were in my favor.
As the wheel slowed and we watched the finally clicks, he jumped from his seat, scattering the board every where and dancing around joyously as he spun the fateful 7.
I sat in shocked. I had done all the “right” things.
How could he have won?!
I was annoyed and definitely a bit of a sore loser.
Needless to say, we have not played “The Game of Life” since. But for me this memory is a great reminder of how to truly play the game of life… follow your soul.
And of course, have fun!!