Waking up exhausted every morning is normal. 

Waking up exhausted every morning is normal. 

Yeah, I used to live there too. 

I would spend all day doing all the things everyone else asked of me and then by the time I was done with those things, I’d have no energy left for myself to do the things I wanted to do. So I’d climb into bed and hope tomorrow would be better. 

Except, I did this for years, not just days. 

Until, I decided to do things differently. 

Instead of dreading the alarm clock every morning, I taught myself and I teach my clients to get excited for the day. 

Because let’s face it, when we’re excited, we can do anything. 

So, as soon as I hear the alarm, I practice gratitude and joy. Before my feet hit the floor, I think of something I am looking forward to that day or 3 things I am grateful for. And this simply practice can set the tone of the whole day. 

I know, you’re thinking, it can’t be that easy, but take a look at children. What day of the week are they so excited to wake up on? Saturday. Because it’s the weekend and feels freer than M-F. The same is true for us as adults, the life you desire doesn’t start after you achieve some goal, it starts every morning when your feet hit the floor. 

Certainly, there are mornings that will be more tiresome than others, but waking up exhausted every morning, means it’s time to reevaluate. The truth is feeling exhausted is a choice. And it’s time to choose differently. 

If you’re currently struggling to create fulfilling success, the kind where you wake up each day excited- I have a private program for you. In 6 months, we define your clear vision, get insanely intentional with your time/energy, hone in on your magic, elevate your confidence, and of course have fun. My clients have receive dream clients, strengthen relationships, lost weight, gained more joy and more. Most clients see results within the first 1-2 months, but some have seen results after our first session. Send a PM and through a brief chat, we’ll see if you’re a fit. If you we can start as early as this week. 


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