You’re just not doing enough.

You’re just not doing enough.

You will never be able to do enough to feel good enough. 

You are enough right now, exactly who you are. 

The truth is “feeling good enough” will never come from something outside of you. It cannot be earned or achieved. It cannot be given or bestowed upon you. 

Feeling good enough comes from within.

It comes from loving yourself despite all your “imperfections” and choosing your true self moment by moment.

This is easy for young children as their true selves navigate their whole lives, but as we grow we learn that parts of ourselves cannot be trusted and so we invariably dim those parts of us, focusing only on the things someone else has deemed lovable. 

But it is your true self the world needs. Your true self that sings in the shower and dances the same way for every song. Your true self that makes inappropriate jokes and snorts when you laugh. Your true self that is beautiful without makeup. Your true self that radiates in baggy sweatpants. Your true self that loves to dress up with nowhere to go. 

Be you. 

Because the world needs more of you.


Work/life balance is unobtainable.


I’ve tried everything…