A desire for change…
When I desire to make a change, I need extra space and grace.
This week, I started a new training routine for the Half Ironman I’ll be competing in on June 5th. The last few months, I’ve been slowly building back up to a workout routine, but my workouts haven’t been structured a d based on what I had time for.
But this week, as I incorporate the new training schedule my morning routines are out of whack and I didn’t think much of it until I was trigger by the price of green beans this afternoon at the grocery store.
Yup, green beans.
I know prices are increasing, I mean it’s totally in our faces these days, but for some reason the price of green beans got me. As I put them in the car, I make a sarcastic comment about how I’d have to get another job just to buy groceries pretty soon. Well my mind took this statement and began to spin and spin and spin. Before I knew it I felt like I was having about to have a panic attack.
I tried to fix my mindset; telling myself I’d be okay and I had nothing to worry about. But I kept spinning.
I tried to lay down and take some deep breaths. But I kept spinning.
I tried to ground myself by walking through the yard barefoot. But I kept spinning.
I felt the nudge to sent a voice note to an incredible support community I have and initially I resisted, trying to convince myself it wouldn’t work. But I listened to the nudge and sent the message. As I spoke the words aloud, I saw how silly the whole situation was and that I am okay and I’ll be okay. The price of green beans is not the end of the world and certainly does not deserve my power.
As I finished the voice note, I felt myself come back. I felt myself stop spinning and see the craziness of what took place and gave myself a whole lot of love.
My morning routines are important to me for sure, but it’s more important that I love myself unconditionally and accept that some days just don’t go according to my plan. ❤️