It's an elusive thing that we all seem to be chasing after.
People harp on you constantly- "You need to find balance." "You don't have enough balance in your life." "You need more of this and less of that."
It's exhausting to try and live up to everyone else's standard of balance.
But you know what I realized- Balance doesn't mean an equal weight distribution among things like on a scale.
Nope, balance is what you're feeling when life just works.
For some people, balance is working 60 hours a week and spending quality time with their family on the weekends. For others, balance may be working 15 hours a week and keeping up with the house and kids’ schedules. Or maybe being a stay at home parent and having occasional nights out or locking yourself in the bathroom for 5 minutes alone is your current form of balance.
Balance is not something that is a one size fits all. EVER.
The balance in my life changes from day to day and it looks totally different than yours.
But, let me be the first to say, you’re doing it just right for your family and your situation!!
If you feel unbalanced then it’s time to look inward at what’s important to you instead of outwards at what everyone else is doing. This is a key component in my work with clients and if balance is something you’re looking for, let me help.
Send me a message and through a brief conversation, we’ll see if we’re a fit and if you are, we could start as early as this week.
Because you deserve to live in peace.