If I don't do it, it won't get done.
If I don't do it, it won't get done.
No, it just won't get done your way, but it could still get done.
I can hear you now, but "I can do it faster"; "I can do it better"; "it's just easier if I do it". And you're absolutely right, but at what cost?!
Here's what I know about myself (and many of you can probably relate to this), I like things done a certain way and I have a process, but micromanaging my family is exhausting.
Fortunately, I was blessed to learn this lesson years ago. About 6 years ago, I was in an ATV accident and shattered my right kneecap. I literally couldn't do anything for weeks and the recovery was long. But I was fortunate for family members that were able to come stay with us and help out while I recovered.
One afternoon as I hobbled into the kitchen passing the laundry room (with clothes and towels folded wrong), I saw my mother-in-law washing dishes. I was feeling frustrated by my pain and wanted to "fix" all she was doing. However, I knew I really needed to rest and heal and it didn't matter how things got done as long as they were done.
I coached myself through the discomfort and said to my mother-in-law, "Thank you so much. I do apologize for not being out here and spending time with you, but I am really struggling with not being able to do things for myself. I so appreciate your help. If I stay in my room it's not because I don't want to see you, it's because if I'm out here too long, I will want to do all the things my way."
She smiled at me and said, "I completely understand and thank you for telling me."
I learned so much through this experience, the first, done is done no matter who does it; and my value is not derived from the things I do, but rather who I am.
The latter of these lessons was and is so powerful for me and for so many of my clients.
See, the current worldview believes that unless you are doing something, you're lazy and a drain on society, but this is not the truth. Being you is more important than anything you could possibly do. Because without who you are, the things you do wouldn't matter.
I teach individuals how to take back their personal power and create the lives and businesses they desire with less effort and more joy. I currently have space for private clients. If you want to love life more, send me a message and through a brief chat, we'll see if we're a fit and if we are, you could start this week.