Can 30 minutes a day change your life?

On my run, I begin to think of how powerful just 30 minutes can be.

With just 30 minutes a day you could achieve some pretty incredible things.

  • Read the Bible in a year

  • Learn a new language

  • Learn to play a musical instrument

  • Grow a 6 figure business

  • Complete a college degree

  • Write a book

  • Lose weight

  • Organize a space in your home

  • Make new friends

  • Read a book

  • Connect deeper with your partner

  • And so much more.

Regardless of how we spend our days, we can all find 30 minutes to spend on changing our lives.

For instance, I was talking with a girlfriend recently who said she struggled with having patience with her kids when she gets home from work. I suggested she spend the commute time (roughly 20 minutes), doing some breath work, energy clearing, or listening to an inspirational podcast/music before getting home to her kids. She said she’d give it a try. I could sense the hesitation, as many of us believe 30 minutes can’t change anything. By later she told me that the simple daily practice has been such a great change.

I help my clients make lasting change through simple

shifts, which allows them to create the life and business they desire with ease. I am currently accepting private clients. Message me and through a brief conversation, we’ll determine if you’re a fit and if you are, you could start this week.


If you don’t put in the time, you can’t complain about the results.


Is your uniqueness your excuse or reason?