Doing more will not make you feel worthy.
Doing more will not make you feel worthy.
Worthiness is not something you achieve. You are worthy just because.
I struggled with this for years. I always felt I had to do more to receive more love, more money, more whatever and at the same time I felt that I could never do enough.
Feeling worthless used to take me out for months at a time, but as I grow and evolve, I can come back from it pretty quickly.
However, when I am struggling to feel worthy, I try to do more. I burn myself out by doing all the things in attempts to prove I am worthy of whatever I desire. Leaving me totally exhausted and bitter.
It was no fun for me, let alone my family.
These days, when I catch myself over doing it, i usually feel the stress in my body or notice my impatience with my family and I intentionally slow down. I give myself space and I relax reminding myself there is nothing I have to do to be worthy, I simple am worthy.
You deserve time for yourself - take it, because you are your greatest investment.