Do I want this relationship to change?
Do I want this relationship to change?
If no, then keeping on doing what you’re doing.
If yes, then you’ll need to be open to a new perspective.
When I find myself frustrated or annoyed by a person or situation, I’ll ask myself, “Do I want this situation to change?”
Sometimes, my inner child chimes in with a grouchy “No!” But when I allow my highest self to come through, the answer is almost always yes.
The truth is, I don’t want to be in relationship with things or people that cause me to feel annoyed or frustrated. And we all know that we cannot change other people, so our only alternative is to the view the situation differently, because our current perspective isn’t working.
When I ask myself if I want the situation to change and I answer yes, I then feel myself soften and open up as I pray for a new perspective. Usually, I’ll pray something like, “Allow me to see this situation with love.”
It isn’t always instant that the situation appears differently, but as I sink in and continue to ask for a new perspective, I am given exactly that.
When you think of a relationship that annoys you, ask yourself honestly- do you want the relationship to change??