How am I giving?
I was totally annoyed as my 13yo daughter asked me again about going to see the new Transformers movie.
And as I explained to her again (for the 900th time), I had to figure out our schedules and let her know when a good time was for everyone.
As she walked away, I asked myself why I was so annoyed with the question? Why did it bother me so much that she would ask? Isn’t this what I want her to feel comfortable doing- asking me for anything?
As I reflected, I saw that I wasn’t filled up. I felt overwhelmed and depleted at the thought of giving one more thing. I was feeling in lack and not from anything particular, just drained. And it’s impossible to give fully when coming from this space.
Realizing this, I relaxed, breathed deep in and out, resetting myself and choosing again…
“How am I giving?”
If you’re not receiving what you desire in life/business, check in to see how you’re giving. Are you giving from lack of abundance?
Because how feel when you give is directly related to how you receive.