I can only work when I’m inspired…
I can only work when I'm inspired.
Yeah, I believe this too.
But then inspiration would come while I was making dinner, or just before one of my kids needed me, or even right as the dog pooped all over the house. You know the feeling?! You get super inspired and then boom- life happens and you have to attend to that and lose track of the incredible post/program you just thought of.
I know so well, because I've been there (shoot, I still have days like that), but I don't let them send me into overwhelm or cause me to put my business on the back burner.
I taught myself and I teach my clients how to create inspiration when they can actually spend time with it.
Yes, I teach them to inspire themselves.
This is incredible powerful, especially as moms, when we have so much on our plates already. The key is to get intentional with our time. When we set aside time to just work on our business and we're not distracted by kids, dinner plans, laundry, etc. we can create powerful magic.
Maybe you're thinking, well that's great for you Steph, but I just don't have the time to be fully distraction free.
But you do. It's just not your norm right now.
I'm not suggesting that you set aside hours a day (that probably isn't realistic anyways). When I first start this, I had 5-10 minutes (usually in the bathroom- LOL). But I could quickly get inspired because I did have the time. I trained myself to turn on my inspiration. Shoot, I just did it last night in the bathtub and wrote and amazing post from the few minutes of inspiration.
And maybe you're now thinking but I can't turn on my inspiration like that- my mind races constantly. Believe me, I know, this is why I when I work with my clients, I suggest a number of ways to begin to train themselves, but intuitively, I also can pinpoint what inspires them the most and how to connect to that energy.
The truth is being inspired is a choice, just like choosing to be overwhelmed.
It's all of matter of YOUR choosing.