If you lack the confidence, you’ll try to make up for it in your effort…
If you lack the confidence, you’ll try to make up for it in your effort, but this combination only leads to burnout.
Instead, build your confidence and allow your work to sell itself.
I see it all too often, a mom wanting to grow a business to $10k+ months with ease, but she’s focused on the strategy because she doesn’t believe in herself.
Stop under selling yourself.
You have an incredible amount of knowledge, that you’re not giving yourself credit for because you worry about coming off the wrong way to people. Stop. Stop it right now.
You should be so proud of the work you’re doing while being a mom- shout that from the roof tops.
In my private program, confidence is one of the main pillars we work on. And honestly, it doesn’t take long for the confidence to kick in and my client to feel on top of the world and consequently attract soulmate clients easily.
Here’s what we do, I ask her about the work she does and why she loves it so much. I continue to ask questions about how she started the work, what prompted her to start it, etc. I focus on letting her soul come through in her vision. As we go through this conversation, I’ll start to piece together her “proof” for being confident in the work she does…
See, your mind is a super computer and will come up with “proof” for any belief you desire. All you have to do is ask. But so often we get stuck on the things we’re not good at and that becomes the belief.
When I start this new thought process rolling, the “proof” is already there for the level of confidence they need, I just pull it into focus. And when the ah-ha moment hits- sparks fly!! And feeling confident no longer feels fake, you have tangible proof of the confidence and that helps you soar!!
Because when you’re confident in what you’re selling people are confident in what they’re buying.
If you’re a mom currently making $2k-$5k/month while balancing home life and are struggling to grow to $10k and beyond, my private program is for you.
In my private program, I teach moms who struggling with balancing home life and growing a thriving business to ditch the overwhelm for good, so they can find their flow to create the life and business they desire with ease.
I’ll help you connect deeply to your vision, get intentional with your time, fine tune your soulful marketing, and connect to your intuition and radiance while dancing with bliss to create the income you desire with ease.
Send me a message and through a brief chat, we’ll see if you’re a right fit and if you are we can start as soon as this week!!