"I don't have the money."
"I don't have the money."
No, I didn't give myself the choice.
As I sat there looking at some one's income stat, I couldn't imagined being able to receiving that kind of money, but I longed to have extra.
More money at the end of the month and the ability to say yes to the things I really wanted to do, but there never seemed to be enough money.
The truth was I didn't actually know where my money was going. Sure I was paying bills and buying groceries, but I couldn't actually tell you what I was spending the money on, until I could.
Years ago, as the holidays came around again and I wondered how we pay for Christmas, I decided I was ready to look at where my money was going, so I could choose how I really wanted to spend it.
For a month, I spent as I regularly would, but I wrote down each expense. I figured out where all the money was going in a typical month. That's it. I didn't try to change anything then, just brought awareness to how I was spending my money.
Once, I knew where it was going, I then gave myself the incredible opportunity to choose how I spent my money. For instance, I saw very quickly that we were spending over $200/month on take out pizza. And while we love our pizza nights, I got to choose if I wanted to actually spend that much on pizza. The truth was, I didn't but I was never aware of the totally cost at once, so it didn't seem like much to me.
I did this for all of our spending categories and simply knowing where my money was going empowered me to choose how I really wanted to spend my money. It wasn't that I didn't have the money, I had never given myself the chance to actually choose. I let money happen to me, instead of for me.
If you're ready to actively take part in your life instead of watching another day, week, month, or year pass without much changing, I'm ready to help. I teach moms how to reclaim their personal power and create the lives and businesses they desire with less effort and more joy. I have 3 spots left for private mentorship this fall, message me to learn more.