I don’t have the time…
I don’t have the time.
And you won’t as long as you continue to pay yourself last.
The rich pay themselves first, in time, energy, and money.
You pay yourself last when you say things like…
“I’ll do that when I have more time.”
“I’ll start working out soon, just need to make it through this season.”
“I’ll build my business once I have a little more savings.”
“I’d really love to have regular spa days, I just don’t have the money right now.”
“I want more time to myself but by the end of the day, I’m so exhausted.”
“I’d love regular date night with my partner, but the kids are just so busy.”
And you’ll stay in this loop until you do something different.
An easy place is to pay yourself first.
For me, this means first thing in the morning, I spent time with myself. Filling up my cup- journaling, working out, showering, taking my time getting ready for the day. Does it mean a little less sleep? Yes, but I’m a better mom for it.
This also means, I put money into savings and investments before I pay any bills. I pay myself first and know I’ll have enough to pay the bills.
In the beginning, I didn’t pay myself much at first because I didn’t have it, so I started with 15 minutes of quite time and $10/paycheck and over time those numbers have grown.
You deserve to pay yourself first, because if you don’t, no one else will.