Structure is not the enemy of creativity.
Structure is not the enemy of creativity.
Structure gives creativity freedom.
Um, what?
Often times we resist having a routine or structure in our days because we just want to do whatever we want. I know because I’ve felt this too.
However, the structure actually provides the freedom to do whatever we want fully.
So what does this actually mean?
It means that I have a flexible schedule. There are blocks during my day when I focus on specific tasks and other blocks that are open ended and free. This structure allows me plenty of time to get sh*t done, while providing me the freedom to read leisurely or go to lunch with a girlfriend or take myself to the beach, without an ounce of guilt.
I used to feel guilty every time I would do something for myself that wasn’t “productive”. And the guilt would ruin the freedom I was supposed to be enjoying. But by creating a flexible schedule, I get the best of both worlds and I’m a better person for it.
What this looks like in my life:
I work in two hour blocks, because I know that anything more than that becomes too much.
I have designated tasks to complete during the work block and stay focused on the tasks, knowing my freedom block is my reward.
I have empty work blocks. This means that when things don’t go according to my plan, I have flexibility to move the tasks to another block without panic.
Reflect and Revise. I reflect on these blocks and revise them accordingly, as I know different focus areas will require different tasks, etc.
If you’re struggling to create structure that allows for freedom, I can help. Send me a PM and we’ll have a brief chat through messenger and if you’re a fit, we could start this week!!