There is always something to do…

There is always something to do.

But there is not always something that needs to be done.

Years ago, when I found myself exhausted, overwhelmed, and hating myself, I was constantly on the go. I believed that if I could accomplish enough the hatred I felt about myself would some how disappear. And so each morning, I would wake up and try to muster the energy to do more than I did the day before. But each night, I would fall into bed exhausted, defeated, and feeling like a failure.

Until I reached my breaking point.

I cracked.

I couldn't possibly continuing going at the rate I was going.

I knew something had to give.

And for once, I tried a different approach.

Instead of doing more, I started to do less. I was still able to finish all my "chores", but I stopped adding busy work to the list. You know, pick up toys for the 90th time, clean the kitchen again, vacuum again, do more laundry, oh and another load. I actually begin to give myself down time. Space in my day in which I wasn't actually doing something "productive".

I begin to actually sit and play with my kids (and be present; not thinking about the millions of other things I could do). I actually engaged in more conversations and could fully listen to my friends and family. I stopped worrying about all that I could be doing and instead begin to allow myself to actually have fun during the day.

The space in my day that was "unproductive" became so powerful. It provided me the space to recharge and to choose how I really wanted to spend my time and what I wanted my life to be about.

And when I begin to actively choose where and how I was spending my time, my whole world begin to change -for the better.

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing and expecting different results. Unfortunately, this is how many of us operate...waiting for something to change. But change doesn't happen until you start to change.

If you're tired of the insanity in your life and are looking for real change, I have space available for 3 more private clients. I work with my clients to help them create the life and business they desire with less effort and more joy. If you're ready for that- send me a message and through a brief chat, we'll see if we're a good fit and if you are, we could start this week. ❤️


When it comes to success, effort is only part of the equation…


It won’t get done, if I don’t do it.