When it comes to success, effort is only part of the equation…
When it comes to success, effort is only part of the equation.
I've heard it so many times before, "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." Of course, I can tell you what I do or what I suggest you do, but the "secret sauce" doesn't come from doing what I tell you. The thing that you're hoping will be the answer to all your troubles; the thing that will make your whole lift shift for the better... that's nothing I can tell you to do. That's something you have to know and feel from inside yourself.
Believe me, I wish it were just a matter of doing the thing (at least I did).
I spent years, going through the motions. Doing all the things successful people did. And each day the list got longer. And each day I felt even less successful. I didn't know this at the time, but I was doing all those things in order to protect myself. To save myself from being disappointed if it didn't work out and to keep people at a distance.
But that's a very sad way of life.
When I finally turned inward and begin to evaluate what I was doing and why, I realized a lot of the things I did was in an attempt to feel love from others. Love that I wasn't giving to myself, because I felt unworthy.
I was quite literally burning the candle at both ends to prove I was worthy, instead of believing I was worthy.
The power of the belief I have in myself pales in comparison to the effort I can muster. Because at the end of the day, who I am matters far more than what I do.
This may feel too hard for you to accept, because it's not how you were raised. It's not how many of us were raised, but who you are, who you truly are on the sou level is all you need to create the life and business you desire.
If you're ready for the "soul-ution", I'm here to help you. I am currently accepting private clients to help them create what they desire with joy. Message me and through a brief chat, we can see if we're a fit and if we are, we could get started this week.