What’s next??

What’s next?!

I heard mentor years ago tell me, “the pain will push you until the vision pulls you.”

The pain part, we’re great at. We consciously or unconsciously create painful situations just to have something to move us.

It’s the vision that so many of us lack.

So what’s next?!

You’re financially secure and you have time on your hands, but no clear direction.

Unfortunately, for my clients, I can’t tell them exactly what’s next. It’s something they have to tap into on their own, but this is the really fun part…

They get to do whatever they want!

And that scares the crap out of them. 

Because it’s not longer about the money and setting themselves up for the future. 

The future is here and now.

What do you want to do?

Where do you want to go?

As humans, we naturally crave progress. It’s just part of us. And so, at this crossroads, what’s next can be so scary because it’s a vision that many of us haven’t fully allowed ourselves to get on board with, for so many reasons, including- fear of failure or fear of disappointment.

But the vision is the coolest part of my work, because without it, we simply drift and let this one big beautiful life we have pass us by. 

Do you know what you’re creating?! 

Comment below “VISION” and I’ll send you information about my Visionary Package 🤩


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