Who we fall in love with doesn’t make sense.

Who we fall in love with doesn’t make sense.

I remember when my husband first asked me to move to Mississippi with him.

I immediately called all my close friends and family members to get a consensus as to whether or not I should move to another state with someone I was barely knew (we had only been dating for a few months). Everyone said nope. We don’t know him. We’ve never meet him. Any what if it doesn’t work out? Then you’re stuck in a state even further away from home.

They were all right. All of their concerns were legitimate.

And after I had asked all the logical questions, I turned inward and asked God for (in my exact terms), “one hell of a good reason to move.”

He gave me one.

And just months after we met, my husband and I were married and moving to Mississippi. We’ve lived in many different homes, while bringing 4 amazing kiddos into the world and recently celebrating 17 years.

On paper it shouldn’t have worked.

Love requires us to be vulnerable. To do things that don’t make sense. But I know every time I open myself up to more love, my mind is blown and the experiences are incredible.

The same is true when it comes to money. My business requires me to be vulnerable and the things that help me receive money don’t make sense to many business owners, but every time I open myself up and trust, I am amazed by what becomes available.

Love + Money Mastercourse is a 30-day immersion into the Feminine Energetics of Receiving. During this program, we’ll go deep into what’s keeping us from receiving to the depth and degree we desire while learning to regulate, rewrite, and feel safe to receive. We start Nov 1st. Message me to join.


“Who would you be without your limiting stories?”


There is no greater force than that of a decisive woman.