You don’t need a lot of willpower.

You don’t need a lot of willpower.

Or even a whole lot of discipline.

Creating the life you desire and becoming the person you know you’re meant to be, takes belief shifts.

The reason you over eat sweets isn’t because you can’t help yourself, it’s because you’ve identified as someone with a sweet tooth.

The reason you can’t get yourself motivated to workout isn’t because you’re lazy, you’ve identify as someone who struggles to workout.

The reason you struggle to show up for your business isn’t because you don’t want to grow it, you’ve bought into beliefs that it’s not possible for you. 

Breaking my “bad habits” doesn’t take willpower, it takes a belief shift, which is way more powerful than willpower ever will be. 

I used to eat skittles and sour patch watermelons like it was my job, until I decided I was a healthy person. Now, I enjoy occasional sweets, but I never over indulge- I know my limits and I pay close attention to how my body responds to sugar. 

I used to struggle to show up for my business because I didn’t believe what I was posting even mattered. Now, I can freely show up in my business and know my work will be seen by the right because I shifted the limiting beliefs. 


It gets to be easy.


I can still struggle with overwhelm.