It gets to be easy.

It gets to be easy.

I was furious, when I heard someone say this to me during a time in which I didn’t believe anything could be easy. 

What this person was referring to, did eventually become easy to me, but it was hard at first.

There’s two different schools of thought around this…

Life is hard- choose your hard. 

Or it’s only hard because you’ve over complicated it. 

However, both are true. 

There are things in life that can be hard and also things we over complicate and make hard even thought they’re easy. 

And honestly, it doesn’t really matter if it’s hard or easy. What matters is whether or not you believe it is possible for you. 

Here’s an recent personal example…

In December, I got a sourdough starter from a friend and was so excited to try. Everyone I spoke to said it was so easy and you can’t possible kill the sourdough. 

I hadn’t done much research so I let the starter just sit. A couple weeks later, I got up the nerve to actually feed the starter. The first weeks, were failures. I wasn’t feeding enough and the starter wasn’t growing. After over a month, still nothing. I could not get the starter to double, which is vital for successful bread.

I thought about quitting, but decided to give it one last go and workshopped through my sourdough problems with ChatGPT. After a few days of trying a different things, my starter finally doubled and this past weekend, I successfully made two beautiful sourdough loafs. 

I say all of this because, it didn’t feel easy. 

In hindsight, I see it was in fact easier than I was making it, but it also helped that I asked for help, even if it was from AI. 

So if the thing you’re after doesn’t feel easy, don’t be discouraged, but do be open to another perspective because sometimes all it takes is a different view to for things to be easy. 


“You’ll never walk normal again…”


You don’t need a lot of willpower.