You get to have it all and then some…
We've been told for years, that it takes hard work to create the life you want...
But that's only half the story.
It takes hard work AND faith to create the life we desire.
We can spends years working hard on weight-loss, careers, relationships, finances, etc. but if we don't believe the effort we put in is enough- it won't ever be.
And this is the story many of us subscribe to, sometimes unknowingly.
I realized this was something I had subscribed to when I kept "doing all the things" and even adding more things, without ever getting the results I wanted. I believed if I just did enough, then success would be inevitable. It wasn't until I burned myself out that I realized how untrue this belief actually was. And unfortunately, this is how many of us learn this lesson. (For me, I had to learn it a few times 😉).
When I decided to unsubscribe to this story, I didn't have any faith built up or an example, so in true fashion I experimented on myself. At the time, there were not tons of people sharing their stories on "ease" and "flow" or "balance", but I was determined to find a better way. Surely, this way was not the only way.
I started to give myself space of nothingness. Literally time in which I did nothing. It was sooooo difficult at first because it felt incredibly unproductive, but it did a few things for me. 1- it forced me out of my comfort zone 2 - allowed me to reflect on how I was investing my time and making myself a priority and 3- gave me the courage to keep changing.
The truth was, I was spinning my wheels trying to do it all, but when I had the courage to change, I begin to actively create the life I desire.
Do you have the courage to "find a better way"?
As a mentor, I've created a simple process for moms to create the life they desire without burnout and I'd love to help you do the same. Because you deserve to be you AND a great mom.
If you have the courage to to "find a better way", message me and I'll support you in created the life you desire.
You get to have it all AND then some...