You must first give to yourself…

You must first give to yourself what you want to receive.

As a mom, I remember several years ago being totally overwhelmed and exhausted- all.the.time. I constantly wished for someone to help pick up the house or make dinner or just appreciate me.

The truth was, I didn’t appreciate myself. I hated my reflection in the mirror and couldn’t stand the thought of spending time alone. So I constantly busied myself with nonsense, thinking that some one would help me feel loved.

They couldn’t.

It wasn't my kids’, husband’s, friends’ or family’s responsibility to love me first.

I had to be the first one to give myself love in order to receive it.

It’s also no shock that this spiritual law of giving and receiving applies to your business and money as well.

If you can’t give yourself money to spend guilt free, you’ll struggle to receive money or feel abundant.

It starts with you.

I teach my clients this from the start. Giving and receiving are a pendulum, but the biggest problem I see moms have is the ability to receive guilt free. We can give all day long, but receiving?! That’s another story.

So I have them start small.

Simply receive a compliment from someone today- either your kids, husband, co-worker, client, whoever.

Don’t just shrug it off and try to over compliment them. Just say thank you and hold the feeling in your body- feel the love.

Allow others the pleasure of giving to you.

PS- If you need more help with this, comment below or send me a message about my upcoming Love + Money Masterclass.


I was passively trying to create the life I wanted…


Just ask…