You’ll never find the time…

It must become a priority.

I was talking with someone the other day and she was telling me about how she can’t seem to find the time.

I smiled inwardly and let her continue.

The thing is you’ll never find the time. 

Time isn’t something you can randomly pick up on the side of the road, like a cool bike.

Time is something you get every day and something many of us take for granted.

I stopped using time as an excuse when I realized how disempowering it was to say “I can’t seem to find the time.” Like time was this elusive thing that slipped away from me daily and I had no control over where it went. 

Instead, I’m honest and say it just isn’t a priority today. If fact, I said this to my son the other day when he was asking me to do something. I told him that’s not going to happen today. 

He inquired (in his annoyed teenage voice), “Why? What else are you doing today?”

I firmly told him it was simply not on my list of things to get done that day. Period. 

He rolled his eyes and walked away. 

It can be frustrating for others when you began to own your day because they don’t like to hear no. 😆

But trust me, when you make the things you truly want to do a priority, life gets better. 


I’ve tried everything…

