As a high performer, these are the 3 most difficult things to give myself.
At least they used to be.
I spent a lot of time berating myself for not being better. Not knowing better. Not being where someone else was. My impossible standards I felt were fine to have with myself and for a time these standards helped me achieve a lot. But when I saw these standards negatively impacting my relationships, I knew something had to change.
It took a lot of deep inner work to screw up and still love myself.
Forgiveness is now something I give myself regularly.
Compassion is something I pray for daily.
And grace is something I bask in.
I’ve seen how learning to give myself these things has made me a better person, a better wife and mom, and allowed me to enjoy life on a deeper level.
Because success isn’t really so great if you don’t actually enjoy it.
Tips to help you:
Become aware of the inner dialogue.
Speak to yourself like you would a best friend or young child.
Breath. You’ll get there at exactly the right time.
PS- Want more support? This is what I do. Message me and let’s chat about what you’re wanting to create and see how I can help.