Are you being honest with your time?

It’s impossible to find your flow, when you’re constantly swimming upstream.

The key is to create a plan that doesn’t create resistance but allows you to flow with ease.

As a mom, we constantly feel like we have to do all these things to keep our home in order and then when we add a business, we add another list of have tos to our already full plate. Often times, we can steam roll our way to success and end up burning out, or we can create space to find our flow and allow life to be easy.

Part of finding flow is giving yourself the permission and space to find what works for you. In my private program, I help moms find their flow.

I do this partially through an Honest Time Assessment. Since, many of my clients come to me overwhelmed and under-compensated, we start with getting clear on what it is they truly want.

In this initial assessment, my clients dreams start to come back online and with some minor tweaking in their schedules, they begin to see it is totally feasible for them to create the life they desire easily. Essentially, the Honest Time Assessment gives them back the power to delegate their time the way they want without feeling like they are sacrificing family time.

The exercise looks like this...

  1. How much money do you want to make each month?

  2. How many hours a week do you want to work?

  3. How many hours a week are you currently working? And how much are you currently making?

  4. How much time do you need to stay on top of home duties?

  5. How much time do you want to yourself?

  6. How does this all compare to your current situation?

  7. What does your ideal week look like?

(Similar questions can be asked for energy and money).

The beauty of this exercise is that we get a clear picture of what we’re working with, because we can't change things we're unwilling to look at. And when we get honest about where your time is currently, then we can begin to implement changes that have a huge impact.

I want you to create a massive impact, but not through burnout or giving up precious time with your kiddos. You can create a successful business AND be a present mom.


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