I no longer use time as an excuse.

I no longer use time as an excuse.

Let's face it, "I don't have the time" is one of the easiest excuses to use and quite frankly, who's going to argue with you?

But, I decided to stop using it as an excuse because I found I was merely perpetuating the cycle and making "I don't have the time" true.

So what do I do instead?

I'll be honest, several weeks ago when I was recently overwhelmed, I checked in with myself and found my priorities were no where close to where I wanted them to be. It stung a lot to look at it. I cried. I got angry. I beat myself up. And then when the emotions subsided, I loved myself and decided to choose again. And in choosing again, I realized how much I was relying on that little phrase "I don't have the time" and saw how disempowering it truly was.

So, I got really honest with myself and decided to be intentional with where/how I was using my time.  I decided in advance what I wanted to prioritize. By choosing in advance, I am able to actually have more control over my day and ultimately the life I'm creating. (Of course there are moments when emotions are high and overwhelm starts to creep in, but I give myself a whole lot of compassion and forgive myself because I'm human and then choose again).

Instead I say, "That's not a priority for me". It didn't feel good the first few times after saying, but it did bring a whole lot of power back into my life. And now just a few weeks later, I am able to say it with more and more conviction each time. Because I know where and how I want to use my time and this will continue to help me create the life I desire.


“I’m afraid I’ll get hurt again.”


Life is a team sport.