Life is a team sport.

Life is a team sport.

I had a heart to heart with my oldest daughter recently about her soccer team.

A few years ago she was on the “B” team and while the team lost many games, there was never ONE single game in which she did not give her all. In fact, she played so hard one game she actually flipped over an opponent in an attempt to win back the ball.

The last two years she has played for the “A” team. But, my husband and I quickly saw that she wasn’t showing up. She wouldn’t hustle. She acted like she had no idea what she was doing. It was so discouraging.

Well, last night, she and I talked about it. Really talked about it.

She told me the other girls on the team were better than her and she didn’t know how to help.

It felt like a punch in the gut.

I reminded her that the team wins or loses together. There is no one player that is more important than the others. And so it was her job to show up as her greatest and help the team any way she could. I reminded her to stop playing in her head and play with her heart.

As I reflected on this conversation with her, I realized I too have been dimming my power because I didn’t feel good enough to be among the greats. I’d catch myself comparing my income or “likes” to others, always wondering what I was doing wrong.

Truthfully, I was trying to be them and not me. I am so grateful for these lessons I learn on a deeper level through my kids.

And my questions for you are…

Are you dimming your light?

Or owning your power as a great?

Because life is a team sport and everyone is needed ✨


I no longer use time as an excuse.


“You just have to get up one more time than you’ve fallen…”